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  • Writer's pictureH.K. Searls

Author Q&A: Faith Blum

Welcome back to the blog! Today's interview is with Faith Blum, a Christian Historical Fiction author of more than 30 books. I'm so happy to feature her here today!!

About Faith:

Faith Blum is a wife, mom, author, and entrepreneur. She’s published over 30 books, most of them in the Christian Historical Fiction genre. She loves stories because they can teach history, but in a fun way. It is also her way to have a creative outlet while taking care of a household and toddler.

She’s been a proud small town resident her whole life and wouldn’t have it any other way. She lives in Central Wisconsin with her husband, son, and cat, Smokey. She’s blessed to write as a part time career. You can find her books on books on most eBook retailers.

When not writing, you can find her cooking from scratch, reading, figuring out social media content, or spending time with her family. She also loves playing piano for church and being on staff for the Author Conservatory.


H.K.: Great to get to know you a little, Faith! I'll kick off this Q&A with a bit of a fun question - do you model characters after people you know?

Faith: I sometimes accidentally model characters after myself, but not always. I don't consciously model characters after other people. Why? I'm not really sure. I just don't.

H.K.: Well, not modeling characters after friends can save you some embarrassment of them noticing they're featured in your story...and speaking of stories, what is your current WIP (Work-in-Progress) about?

Faith: Um...I have three. But I'll pick the one that's most likely to be published first. I'm working on a book that I'm currently calling Project Outlaw Gang. When Lonzo Hoffman went from Texas Ranger to temporary town marshal, he didn't expect to fall in love with the small town and their people. Then he has to do a job for the Texas Rangers. What he doesn't know is it could endanger the life of the woman he loves and her five-year-old son.

H.K.: That sounds like a great project, especially with a Texas Ranger as the main character (Walker, Texas Ranger, anyone?). Writing takes time, and time management can be tricky. What does your schedule look like when writing a book?

Faith: Get up by 5am, do my devotions, and then draft for 1-2 hours before my son wakes up.

H.K.: I love that you prioritize your time with God! As a writer, you have to be good at money management as well as time management. What is the best writing investment you've made?

Faith: Currently - the Book Launch Blueprint has been amazing! That, and the new book covers for my Hymns of the West series.

H.K.: I love these new covers - looking forward to them going live on Amazon at the end of May! On the topic of reading like a writer, what is an underappreciated novel you love?

Faith: This is hard. I'm not sure. I don't know if it's underappreciated, but I really like To Win Her Heart by Karen Witemeyer.

H.K.: My last question goes back to writing. What is the trickiest thing about writing characters of the opposite gender?

Faith: Making sure they [men] don't get too emotional. I need to remember that men don't usually get as emotional as women do.

H.K.: That's something I've struggled with as a writer, as my very overly dramatic emotional male characters from my earlier stories will attest...

Thank you so much for joining me today, Faith! Readers, be sure to check out her books!

See y'all next time with an April Reading Roundup!

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